About the Journal

  1. Journal Title: Jurnal Al-Ibanah
  2. Initials: Al-Ibanah
  3. Frequency: every 6 month
  4. Online ISSN: 2808-8220
  5. Print ISSN: 2502-8502
  6. Editor in Chief: Andri Hendrawan, M.Ag
  7. DOI: Prefix : 10.54801
  8. Publisher: Institut Agama Islam Persis Bandung

Al-Ibanah Journal is published by  Institut Agama Islam Persis Bandung. This journal is open access, peer reviewed, this journal is dedicated to the publication of research in all aspects of the scope of Islam, Society and Education. The Al-Ibanah Journal is published twice a year and receives original research articles featuring well-designed studies with results analyzed and interpreted logically.

Current Issue

Vol. 10 No. 1 (2025): Journal Al-Ibanah
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