About the Journal

  1. Journal Title: Islamic Journal of Education
  2. Initials: IJED
  3. Frequency: Every 6 month
  4. Online ISSN: 2828-7894 
  5. Print ISSN: 2828-7908
  6. Editor in Chief: Lalan Sahlani  
  7. DOI: https:10.54801
  8. Publisher: Institut Agama Islam Persis Bandung

Islamic Journal of Education is an international peer-reviewed journal published by Islamic Education Department Institut Agama Islam Persis Bandung, The journal has been established with a printed version since 2022 with the name IJED:Islamic Journal of Education, It publishes scholarly research on Islamic educational institutions and Islamic education. The articles of this journal are published bi-annually: Maret  and September 


Islamic Journal of Education is  promotes research and scholarly discussion concerning the education practices in Islamic educational institutions internationally, both formal and non-formal education. Topics might be about Islamic educational studies in a madrasa, pesantren, Islamic higher education, and the worldviews upon the practices in those settings.

Current Issue

Vol. 3 No. 2 (2024): IJED: Islamic Journal of Education
Published: 2024-09-30
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