About the Journal

Journal of Islamic Social Science and Communication (JISSC) DIKSI is published by  Prodi KPI Institut Agama Islam Persis Bandung. This journal provides open discussion, reviewed by experts and peers, this journal is dedicated to the publication of research aspects of the scope of islamic social science and communication. JISSC DIKSI is published three times a year and accepts original research articles featuring well-designed studies with logically analyzed and interpreted results.

Journal Title : Journal of Islamic Social Science and Communication (JISSC) DIKSI

Journal Initials : JISSC DIKSI                                                                           

Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Persis Bandung

Published : 6 bulan Sekali             

Online ISSN : 2828-6715                                                                                   

Print ISSN : 2828-8505

Prefix DOI : 10.54801

Current Issue

Vol. 3 No. 01 (2024): JISSC-DIKSI Februari
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