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- Journal Title: Jurnal Al-Ibanah
- Initials: Al-Ibanah
- Frequency: every 6 month
- Online ISSN: 2808-8220
- Print ISSN: 2502-8502
- Editor in Chief: Andri Hendrawan, M.Ag
- DOI: Prefix : 10.54801
- Publisher: Institut Agama Islam Persis Bandung
Al-Ibanah Journal is published by Institut Agama Islam Persis Bandung. This journal is open access, peer reviewed, this journal is dedicated to the publication of research in all aspects of the scope of Islam, Society and Education. The Al-Ibanah Journal is published twice a year and receives original research articles featuring well-designed studies with results analyzed and interpreted logically.
Journal of Islamic Social Science and Communication (JISSC) DIKSI is published by Prodi KPI Institut Agama Islam Persis Bandung. This journal provides open discussion, reviewed by experts and peers, this journal is dedicated to the publication of research aspects of the scope of islamic social science and communication. JISSC DIKSI is published three times a year and accepts original research articles featuring well-designed studies with logically analyzed and interpreted results.
Journal Title : Journal of Islamic Social Science and Communication (JISSC) DIKSI
Journal Initials : JISSC DIKSI
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Persis Bandung
Published : 6 bulan Sekali
Online ISSN : 2828-6715
Print ISSN : 2828-8505
Prefix DOI : 10.54801
Islamic Journal of Education
- Journal Title: Islamic Journal of Education
- Initials: IJED
- Frequency: Every 6 month
- Online ISSN: 2828-7894
- Print ISSN: 2828-7908
- Editor in Chief: Lalan Sahlani
- DOI: https:10.54801
- Publisher: Institut Agama Islam Persis Bandung
Islamic Journal of Education is an international peer-reviewed journal published by Islamic Education Department Institut Agama Islam Persis Bandung, The journal has been established with a printed version since 2022 with the name IJED:Islamic Journal of Education, It publishes scholarly research on Islamic educational institutions and Islamic education. The articles of this journal are published bi-annually: Maret and September
Islamic Journal of Education is promotes research and scholarly discussion concerning the education practices in Islamic educational institutions internationally, both formal and non-formal education. Topics might be about Islamic educational studies in a madrasa, pesantren, Islamic higher education, and the worldviews upon the practices in those settings.
Journal of Islamic Early Childhood Education (JOIECE): PIAUD-Ku
PIAUD-Ku is a peer-reviewed journal published by faculty of Tarbiyah, Institute of Islamic Studies PERSIS. This journal is issued every May and October. The articles published in PIAUD-Ku can be in English and Indonesian. The scope of the topics include: 1) Child Development, 2)Islamic parenting, 3) Etnoparenting, 4) Early Childhood Education Curriculum, 5) Assessment and 6) Digital technology in early childhood education, and 7) Health and Nutrition
Journal of Ulumul Qur'an and Tafsir Studies
- Journal Title: Journal of Ulumul Qur'an and Tafsir Studies
- Initials: juquts
- Frequency: Every 6 month
- Online ISSN: 2829-6915
- Print ISSN: 2829-4483
- Editor in Chief: Komarudin Soleh, S.Ud., M.Ag.
- DOI: 10.54801
- Publisher: Institut Agama Islam Persis Bandung
Journal of Ulumul Qur'an and Tafsir Studies disingkat JUQUTS adalah sebuah open access journal yang diterbitkan dua kali dalam setahun. Menerima submisi tulisan ilmiah yang terkait dengan kajian Al-Qur'an, teks dan konteks.
JUQUTS diterbitkan oleh Program Studi Ilmu Al-Qur'an dan Tafsir STAI Persis Bandung. -
- Journal Title: EKSPEKTASy
- Initials: ekspektasy
- Frequency: Every 6 month
- Online ISSN: 2830-7216
- Print ISSN: 2962-2204
- Editor in Chief: Dudi Sudirman.SE.MM.MAk
- DOI: 10.54801
- Publisher: Institut Agama Islam Persis Bandung
JOURNAL EKSPEKTASy contains research results and thoughts about the economy, especially Islamic economics. The main focuses of include Economic Concepts and Thoughts, Sharia Economic Concepts, Islamic Financial Institutions, Accounting, Finance, Islamic Banking and Management, Public Sector Management, Zakat, Infaq, Sadaqah, Waqf, Inheritance, Corporate Governance, Sustainability Reporting, Ethics and Professionalism, Business, Business Management, Sharia Business Management, e-Commerce, Capital Markets and Investment, Taxation, Financial Management, Sharia Financial Management, Economic Law and Sharia Economic Law.
HADDATASANA Journal of Hadits Studies
- Journal Title: HADDATSANA: Journal of Hadits Studies
- Initials: haddatsana
- Frequency: Every 6 month
- Online ISSN: xxx-xxxx
- Print ISSN: xxxx-xxxx
- Editor in Chief: Komarudin Soleh, S.Ud., M.Ag.
- DOI: 10.54801
- Publisher: Institut Agama Islam Persis Bandung
Haddatsana: Jurnal of Hadist Studies adalah sebuah open access journal yang diterbitkan dua kali dalam setahun. Menerima submisi tulisan ilmiah yang terkait dengan kajian Al-Hadits, teks dan konteks.
HADDATSANA diterbitkan oleh Program Studi Ilmu Hadits Institut Agama Islam Persis Bandung. yang berfokus pada kajian mendalam mengenai hadis Nabi Muhammad SAW, meliputi berbagai aspek seperti sanad, matan, metode kritik, pemahaman kontekstual, dan relevansinya dengan tantangan kontemporer. Jurnal ini menjadi wadah bagi akademisi, peneliti, dan praktisi dalam bidang studi hadis untuk menyajikan hasil penelitian, artikel konseptual, serta telaah kritis.Setiap artikel yang diterbitkan melalui proses peer-review yang ketat, menjamin integritas ilmiah dan kualitas akademik. Haddatsana juga membuka ruang untuk eksplorasi interdisipliner, seperti integrasi studi hadis dengan ilmu sosial, humaniora, dan teknologi, guna memperkaya perspektif pemahaman Islam di era modern.
Dengan misi memajukan studi hadis secara global, Haddatsana: Jurnal of Hadist Studies mengundang kontribusi dari penulis nasional maupun internasional yang memiliki fokus pada pengembangan keilmuan hadis untuk menjawab berbagai isu teoretis dan praktis di masyarakat.